Entrepreneurs and Panelists at the NYC Metro National Black MBA Association event

Entrepreneurs and Panelists at the NYC Metro National Black MBA Association event

Last week, Art & Money Matters continued to push its mission forward by asking a crowd of business minded professionals for one of the most valuable resources in business, access to new networks.

NBMBAA Entrepreneurship Series flyerIt was like speed dating for entrepreneurs! Each entrepreneur had 5 minutes to describe his/her business in terms of its market size, opportunity for success and current challenges.  We presented to an esteemed panel of former bankers, lawyers, educators, marketers and technologists who have become entrepreneurs in their own right.  I was proud to be invited to the NYC Metro Chapter of the National Black MBA Association inaugural Entrepreneurship Series event and I look forward to many more opportunities to build support for Art & Money Matters.

To support Art & Money Matters (AMM) today…please share any connections to organizations, educational institutions and programs that educate and support artistic and creative professionals.  A warm referral is always better than a cold call (Business lesson #102).  

Email us at:  artandmoneymatters@gmail.com (Subject line: Support AMM)

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